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Author Topic: Where are my Savegames?  (Read 390860 times)
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2010, 06:41:28 am »

 Angry OK, there are solutions for PC users, but what are we Mac users supposed to do.

This is a beautiful game but the save game process is flawed.

As its a Flash game, surely the save solution should be in writing the correct actionscript code.
And as its been suggested in other posts this should be to an external location, NOT the Library location, preferably to the folder containing Machinarium, from where it can easily be backed up.

I have never been able to find my saves at ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{RANDOMWORD}/localhost/{PathToYourMachinariumInstallDirectory}/

Neither machinarium.app nor Machinarium.sol come up in a file search.

I am using an intel Mac on which I have a Windows partition, perhaps I should run Machinarium in that environment?
Trouble is I'm not sure the version of Machinarium I've purchased would run in Windows.

I wish there was some kind of trace application (as there is in programming software) that would allow me to see where the saves are going.

I really hope you fix this for Mac users.
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #31 on: February 09, 2010, 11:07:24 am »

Grin I finally finished Machinarium! No lost saves, over a period of days so computer was turned off each time and saves were there when I switched on again.

 Cheesy Thank you Amanita Design for a really cute game, when are you making a sequel?

Still can't find saves location though, weird.

little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #32 on: February 20, 2010, 03:01:40 pm »

I've been playing the game – which I am nuts about – for several months now, savoring it.  It's a beautiful escape from everyday normal, stress-filled living.  I have gotten pretty deep in, though I don't know how close I am to finishing.  It's always saved my games until today when I went to play.  I have changed nothing.   I am a Mac user and I know nothing about game design or the file structures and wouldn't begin to know how to execute any of the fixes discussed previously.   

What can I do to fix this?  That is, IF I decide to go through all those many hours I had invested to get to where I was.  Pleasurable hours, yes, but like someone else, I got really stuck on the tic-tac-toe – for several sessions (weeks) – and finally got lucky.  I don't need to go through that again!  I don't seem to have any of the folders I have read about in the thread.  Just a bunch of folders with 2-digit (0 or 1) numbers, all containing "exec" files.

Please lay it out simply for me.... Thank you.

P.S. Is there a way I can buy the Samorost soundtrack?  I downloaded the game but never got the soundtrack.   
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2010, 02:19:12 am »

...I got really stuck on the tic-tac-toe – for several sessions (weeks) – and finally got lucky.  I don't need to go through that again!  I don't seem to have any of the folders I have read about in the thread.  Just a bunch of folders with 2-digit (0 or 1) numbers, all containing "exec" files.

Please lay it out simply for me.... Thank you.

P.S. Is there a way I can buy the Samorost soundtrack?  I downloaded the game but never got the soundtrack.
Those folders you'd read about aren't in your Machinarium folder—they're buried quite a few folders deep within the Library folder of your Home folder. However, I'm not sure that locating them will even be helpful.
One thing you can do in order to help prevent losing your saved games again is to launch the Machinarium application and then click anywhere on the screen while pressing the Control key. You'll see a little menu pop up. Click on "Settings." Make sure you select the tab along the bottom which shows an icon of a Manila folder with a green arrow. Set the little slider to 1 MB or more.

Now, as far as solving the tic-tac-toe game, some yahoo named Lamkin posted a solution on this very forum that may help you out:
And I'm not sure why you'd never received a link to download the Samorost2 soundtrack along with your link to download the game itself, but I believe at one time the soundtrack was offered separately. Perhaps you'd purchased the game several months ago? Of course, if you were supposed to receive it, I'd suggest e-mailing "support -at- amanitadesign.com" and asking them about it. And if you weren't supposed to receive it (because you'd purchased the game several months ago), then I'd suggest purchasing the game + soundtrack again from Amanita's site, as that's still cheaper than buying the soundtrack from iTunes. Er...I hope all of that makes sense. ;o)

Mod Comment: Thank you (yet again) Lamkin!  Grin  I just modified the support@ address you gave to thwart email harvesters.  ;-)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 02:33:49 am by Lamkin » Logged
rafoo fighter
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2010, 06:25:02 pm »

Guys, I wasn't aware of that problem with CCleaner and I lost my saved games. Can anyone spare their saved games so I don't need to start all over again ? I was at the Arcade Cabinet trying to win some money. Thx
(I'll pm my email address)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2010, 12:53:23 am »

I'm sorry but I am really frustrated.  I played yesterday after buying the game for a number of hours and made it a good way into the game (finished both arcade games) and I started up the game today and my saved game wasn't there.  If I can't find the game I'm not sure I'll go back and go through the game although I really enjoyed it the first time I think I'll be too frustrated to do it again.

I think it's ridiculous that this is a problem, the game is so beautiful and fun to play but losing your game!  I checked the flash settings and it was set to handle saving 1MB so that's not the problem.  I looked in the ~library (I'm on a mac) and found the file:
~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{RANDOMWORD}/localhost/{PathToYourMachinariumInstallDirectory}/machinarium.app/Machinarium.sol
but I don't understand what I'm even supposed to do with that.  I'm just someone who wanted to enjoy playing a game, I don't think I should have to be a programmer or otherwise more knowledgeable about computers to enjoy this.

Please help.  This would be a disappointing ending to what was such a lovely beginning.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:04:46 am by mbsquared » Logged
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #36 on: April 07, 2010, 03:27:55 am »

Prior to losing your saved games, had you—for whatever reason—moved the Machinarium folder? Not the application itself, but the entire folder? 'Cause I had lost my progress once immediately after I'd done that. If not, then I honestly have no idea what might have happened. (Perhaps you'd mistakenly cleared the cache or cookies for Flash...I dunno.)
And, aside from backing it up every so often, I don't believe there's anything else you're supposed to do with the .sol file. Of course, all of your saves are now gone, so backing up the file won't be helpful at this point. ;o)

...However, I would be willing to e-mail you my Machinarium.sol file if you want. (I have the game saved right up until the part you've described.)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 09:17:53 am by Lamkin » Logged
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #37 on: April 07, 2010, 06:19:46 am »

I have never been able to find my saves at ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/{RANDOMWORD}/localhost/{PathToYourMachinariumInstallDirectory}/

Neither machinarium.app nor Machinarium.sol come up in a file search.
Well, while a Machinarium.sol file did show up for me in Spotlight's results, it wasn't the one that I was looking for, i.e., it wasn't the one that is needed. The .sol file that is needed is hidden, or invisible, therefore you will not find it when performing a file search (or by using Spotlight). Nope, you'll have to dig for it yourself, which is easy enough until one gets to this part:


At this point, you'll need to:
1. Navigate to the Machinarium application that is nested somewhere within your localhost folder. (Mine, for example, was in: localhost/Applications/Games/Amanita Design/Machinarium.)
2. Control-click on said Machinarium application and then choose Show Package Contents in order to see the hidden/invisible Machinarium.sol file.
3. Make a copy of the file and save it somewhere on your hard drive so that you can revert back to it if you lose your progress again.

My apologies if that's confusing. Plus I realize your comment was posted a couple of months ago, but I'd only just figured this out earlier tonight. (And I double-posted because I thought splitting these two posts would be less confusing.)

By the way, Machinarium.app won't show up in a file search because the .app extension is hidden.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2010, 09:27:30 pm by Lamkin » Logged
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2010, 07:02:07 pm »

I tried all the suggestions I could find on this Forum. None worked.

This did...

Open CCleaner>Options>Cookies>... then find machinarium.net under the column on the left called 'Cookies to delete' ....highlight machinarium.net...and then add it (with the -> button) to the 'Cookies to keep' column on the right.

little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2011, 11:56:19 pm »

edit: nevermind, I just found the other topic that has the save.exe file, teaches me to search the forum and not just google. Smiley

I have the same problem of losing my saved games.  I copy and saved popsUlfr's batch file into the directory with the machinarium.exe (in fact it's right below it), and ran it as administrator, but I keep getting a message that machinarium.exe was not found. Huh

I'm using windows7 and installed it through Steam (could that be why?)

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, any suggestions?

« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:02:33 am by jdsandara » Logged
little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2011, 07:33:58 am »

Hello All,

I bought the game via impulse, not steam. I am using Windows 7 sp1 x64 and My games are located at:

%appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\#machinarium.net

I suspect steam may be the same thing but cant prove it (I use steam as well but impulse had a really nice sale on this game a few days back)


Elseer R
little robot
Posts: 6

« Reply #41 on: May 07, 2011, 12:51:16 pm »

Hello All,

I bought the game via impulse, not steam. I am using Windows 7 sp1 x64 and My games are located at:

%appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\#machinarium.net

I suspect steam may be the same thing but cant prove it (I use steam as well but impulse had a really nice sale on this game a few days back)


Elseer R

May be you have installed it correctly, that's why this issue is occurs.

27. Love to spend time on forums.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2011, 07:24:47 pm »

Hi all Smiley

I bought this game 3 months ago, and had not time to play it until today. The game world and graphics work is really really nice, but there are some annoying problems with the gameplay.

- If you missclick and an animation starts, there is no way to stop it, you have to watch the animation through (again and again).
- Mouse events are sometimes inaccurate and activates wrong items.
- Some puzzles are not in any way tied to the storyline and their solutions are annoyingly nonobvious.
- The game forces you to play and win a game of tick tack toe with an in-game character. I find this annoying, I did not buy an adventure game to play tick tack toe, I bought it for playing through an interesting storyline.
- Lost savegames, grrrr.

After playing the game for hours today I had to shutdown my Mac and go shop some food. After firing up my Mac again I found that all the hard work I did to advance in the game is gone. My savegames are no longer there  Angry

This in unacceptable. I will not waste my time in an unprofessional product like this. I have other games to play.

I had my doubts when I found out that this game was built on flash. Even though it makes it nicely crossplatform, I believe flash is not cut out to be a platform for desktop games.

Sorry to be so harsh, but the game had great promise and losing the savegames was such a big disappointment. After finding out there is no fix my disappointment turned into frustration.

If you play the game only in short periods, the gameplay might take weeks. You only need to lose your savegames once and all that work is gone and you need to start the game from beginning Sad

OS X: 10.6.7
Computer: MacBook Pro (15", 2011)

little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2011, 11:43:35 pm »

Hi again Smiley

Found a workaround.

On OS X the savegames are saved in the flash preferences directory. The username is part of the path, in my case where my username is "mika" the path is:

"/Users/mika/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects"

When you first start Machinarium, flashplayer creates a randomly named directory inside this directory for Machinarium savegames. In my case the whole path to the savegame folder is:

"/Users/mika/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/YNPGTTHK"

Flashplayer itself of something else sometimes deletes every file from:

"/Users/mika/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects"

So what you need to do is to navigate to the above directory using Finder, click the randomly named directory (in my case "YNPGTTHK") to make it active and duplicate it with the keyboard command: CMD + D.

Next you need to move the duplicated directory outside of its parent directory, otherwise it too might get deleted when you reboot. Drag the duplicate to:

"/Users/mika/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player"

!!!!!!! The duplicate needs to be done before you quit Machinarium !!!!!!!

If the next time you start Machinarium you find your savegames missing, quit machinarium, make another duplicate of the previously duplicated savegame directory and drag the second duplicate to directory:

"/Users/mika/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects"

When making duplicates, Finder adds the string "copy" to the filename, be sure to remove all these extra characters from the directory name before starting Machinarium, otherwise Machinarium won't be able to find your savegames.

angrymachnarium (not so angry anymore, just a bit annoyed by all this (grinding theeth)) Smiley
Global Moderator
mayor robot
Posts: 665

« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2011, 12:22:02 am »

Sorry you had to go to all that trouble.  There is a LOT of helpful info scattered throughout this forum and sometimes it's easy to find and sometimes you've got to figure out the best SEARCH term to use to help you find that info!  (and sometimes it helps to count to 10 before you let yourself get so angry that you miss the obvious...  Wink Grin )

Three threads down from General Machinarium Topics we have an entire thread you may find helpful called Shared Machinarium .sol Files.  In there you'll find a MacFAQ.

As for Flashplayer deleting files, the very first post in the "Where are my Savegames?" thread reads:

"By right-clicking on the screen [this is after you've started the game] you get to the Adobe Flash Player Settings Tabs, select the little folder icon.  "How much information can local store on your computer?" Make sure the slider is NOT set to none! At least 100 KB or more are needed!"

Hope that helps.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 12:24:03 am by Alex » Logged
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