"Až se DVA zanedlouho vydají na Nový Zéland a do Austrálie, budou už pracovat na hudbě k další počítačové hře od oceňovaného brněnského studia Amanita Design, které ještě před Botaniculou proslavila hra Machinarium. Ta příští se má jmenovat Chuchel a muziku, jež díky vrstevnatosti herních světů vydá klidně za několik filmových soundtracků, znovu nahrají na chalupě."
Rough English translation via

"When two soon embark on a New Zealand and Australia, are already working on music to another computer game by renowned Brno studio Amanita Design, which before Botanicula famous game Machinarium. The next one will be called
Chuchel and music, which because of stratification game the world will quietly for several film soundtracks, re-uploaded to the cottage."
Better translation here via
"When the TWO soon embark on New Zealand and Australia, are already working on the music for the computer game from the award-winning the Brno Studio Amanita Design, which even before the Botaniculou famous game Machinarium. The next one is created, and His music, which, thanks to the portal game worlds will calmly for several film soundtracks, again recorded at the cottage. In a professional studio would feel unnatural. 'Thanks to the high-speed Internet, from there you can do anything,' says Kratochvíl. Although, as supplied by his playmate, it is 'still more cottage than a studio'".
~~ Oh when

Oh when

will someone invent something we can stick on our brain so we can read, write, and speak ALL languages? ~~