War, war, war, serious, slavery, saving the world, epic... well... that's pretty what's making video games disgusting nowadays.
You want epic games, you want war ? There are tons, tons, tons of games about war and epic things. And why Machinarium is so much loved ? Because it's different. Because it's about love, it's about dumb robots, it's about musicians, card players, and it's mysterious. Light on your TV if you want to see war, that's not really fun however, but war is not fun. If you want epic, just don't touch to adventure games, and go for action games. You have Uncharted for that, there are puzzles, designed for two years old children, and lots of action and war, and killing people, and running, and falling, and betrayal, and all and all.
6 hours is short, but not too short for this genre. Have you played any of telltale's games ? They last about three to four hours each, there is lots of dialogs and are far away from the polished design and puzzles of machinarium. However, they're a big success, people love it (I do to), and it's the same genre. There is another game I love for example, and it's Flower. And you know what ? it's about a petal, who's flying to make flowers blooms. And that's all. The game lasts a day, costs 10 bucks, and there is no war, neither epic things, nor enslaved flowers. It's just pure, naive, flowers. And this game is a huge sell. Because of this cuteness, because of its lightness, I've been able to make Machinarium played by a girl. And because it's too cute, she bought it. The overall design is dark, when I showed it on boards, people told me "that seem pretty dark, it's sad". But once they played it, okay, that's light, that's not creepy, that's not ugly, that's not the thing you'll make nightmares or find any analogy on some bad elements of our history. I don't understand why we always want serious, war, epic... I just want to have fun. And there is more fun to me in a cute little story than in a huge serious robot enslaved war.
The only "bad" thing here is we don't know how much time we'll need to wait for another game. Hopefully, if the game is sold well, so the team could grow bigger, and make other games faster