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Author Topic: Machinarium 2 [expressions of enthusiasm]  (Read 527578 times)
little robot
Posts: 2

« on: November 10, 2009, 06:43:28 am »

Is definitely in order!!   Shocked   absolutely couldnt get enough of Machinarium - really wanted the journey to continue !

Amanita Design - please make it be so - continue this wonderful , beautiful world that you have created and craft more amazing adventures!!

also definitely use the same Audio Artist - truly created some perfect atmospheric tracks for the brilliant environments.

What would everyone rather see ? a solid expansion ? or a huge new expansion of the world treated as a separate game? (2)

Mod Comment:  @mach1nar1um_king, I edited your subject line to add "expressions of enthusiasm"  A~)

Info directly from JD:
FIRST comes Samorost 3 and
THEN Machinarium 2! ( unless it doesn't )

« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 07:35:04 pm by Alex » Logged
citizen robot
Posts: 10

« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 03:26:27 pm »

What would everyone rather see ? a solid expansion ? or a huge new expansion of the world treated as a separate game? (2)

I would be very happy to buy a separate game -- a sequel rather than an expansion. I'm not sure that the more-or-less linear structure of the current game would really lend itself to an expansion. (That is not a criticism; I like the current game as it is.) Where would the expanded areas become available? At the very end? That sounds like a sequel. Somewhere in the middle? Could be hard to work in without breaking current plot line.

Either way, though, give us more!
citizen robot
Posts: 8

« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 04:33:32 pm »

I definitely think a sequel is the way to go. I can imagine the two robots trying to get home and something happening to their journey! Not that I want it to, they definitely deserve some happiness after all they've been through! But I would love to follow up with their journey. Maybe even see if they manage to produce some little robots down the road! :-)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2009, 01:03:05 am »

hi together
at first i want to congratulate all people who had helped to developed this fantastic game  Wink
it is one of the most beautiful games that i ever played.
The figures, environment, history, etc. are fantastic  Grin
now i have finished the game and i am a little bit sad about it that it is over  Cry
and now i want to now wether it's possible that a second part of machinarium comes out??
i have got an idea how it can continue:
in the end of the game they fly away with the helicopter and then a problem happens and the helicopter fall to the ground.
the fall to the near from another city and then they come police officers and imprison both.
and then they start to leave the city but they realize accidentally that a group of criminal want to poisoning the mayor of the city and so they start to impede this.
and so on...
that's my idea for a second part i would like your meanings about this short story  Smiley

sorry for my terrible english  Grin

kind regards,
happy x-mas and a happy new year
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 05:34:43 pm by Alex » Logged
little robot
Posts: 5

« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 10:41:14 am »

Thats a pretty good idea, Machinarium was awsome to play, And why not have a sequel? if amanita design made one i would buy it Cheesy. Machinarium is my no.1 fav game
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 08:14:17 pm »

I agree and strongly support this idea  Grin

I love the characters of Machinarium and I am sure that you will find another interesting story to tell. But take your time to produce a sequel as beautiful as part1!!!

Looking forward to it,
little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 09:01:59 pm »

Wow, that's a pretty lame idea. It's pretty much the same as original Machinarium. I don't want to play the same story over again...

I really don't like to use this word but I would like if a sequel was a bit more "Epic". Right now it feels like a small and cute story about a robot and his love, and a couple of thugs. I would like the story to be much grander in scale, maybe a war between two nations or the enslavement of the robot race by some kind of alien, maybe the search for a lost robot relic that will save the entire robot race. Just because of the story being a bit more serious and deep doesn't mean it has to be too mature or gory or anything. Something that gives a greater feeling of back story, something that gives a great feeling of a real world vibrant with life and history, and sometimes perhaps even life threatening. I know it might be a little extreme for a game that focuses on being cute and lovely. But if done right, it could help Machinarium becoming a big brand. And I have a lot of faith in Amanita Design.

Also a sequel desperately needs to give much more play time to capture a bigger audience. 6 hours is not enough to create a brand. Something at least twice the size will be a minimum, especially in this genre. I understand that is a ton of work for such a small dev team, but I feel it being a requirement .

Crossing my fingers.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 09:13:49 pm by safaex » Logged
little robot
Posts: 5

« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 10:09:34 am »

Guess why machinarium is such a win? Bec of the cute lil story Cheesy
citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 15

« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 11:32:19 am »

War, war, war, serious, slavery, saving the world, epic... well... that's pretty what's making video games disgusting nowadays.
You want epic games, you want war ? There are tons, tons, tons of games about war and epic things. And why Machinarium is so much loved ? Because it's different. Because it's about love, it's about dumb robots, it's about musicians, card players, and it's mysterious. Light on your TV if you want to see war, that's not really fun however, but war is not fun. If you want epic, just don't touch to adventure games, and go for action games. You have Uncharted for that, there are puzzles, designed for two years old children, and lots of action and war, and killing people, and running, and falling, and betrayal, and all and all.
6 hours is short, but not too short for this genre. Have you played any of telltale's games ? They last about three to four hours each, there is lots of dialogs and are far away from the polished design and puzzles of machinarium. However, they're a big success, people love it (I do to), and it's the same genre. There is another game I love for example, and it's Flower. And you know what ? it's about a petal, who's flying to make flowers blooms. And that's all. The game lasts a day, costs 10 bucks, and there is no war, neither epic things, nor enslaved flowers. It's just pure, naive, flowers. And this game is a huge sell. Because of this cuteness, because of its lightness, I've been able to make Machinarium played by a girl. And because it's too cute, she bought it. The overall design is dark, when I showed it on boards, people told me "that seem pretty dark, it's sad". But once they played it, okay, that's light, that's not creepy, that's not ugly, that's not the thing you'll make nightmares or find any analogy on some bad elements of our history. I don't understand why we always want serious, war, epic... I just want to have fun. And there is more fun to me in a cute little story than in a huge serious robot enslaved war.

The only "bad" thing here is we don't know how much time we'll need to wait for another game. Hopefully, if the game is sold well, so the team could grow bigger, and make other games faster Smiley
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 12:33:04 pm »

I don't think creating a brand out of Machinarium would really help. Branding it would mean that the next games would have to follow the right rules and do things in the right way, so Amanita wouldn't be able to just do whatever seems cool. Making it epic wouldn't do the game any favours either (Yohmi and BuildR's posts). It would be good if their next game was longer; I didn't want Machinarium to end Sad

It would be better if for their next game they made something new again - hopefully they can be heard without having to resort to sequels  Smiley
little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 01:29:49 pm »

Okay okay, guys you bring a lot of good points. Actually laughed a few times reading your reply Yohmi. Smiley Anyways we agree that the length has to be a lot more substantial. Although I would still route for a deeper story.  Tongue

When I wrote war as a suggestion I didn't really mean it to turn into a war game where the main character goes around lobbing grenades and stuff, maybe more like he was cought in between a greater scenario, trying to save his helpless little fembot again or something. Was just brainstorming a bit. Smiley
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 01:33:32 pm by safaex » Logged
black cap brotherhood member
Posts: 225

« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2010, 01:03:28 am »

If they have a different story it would be good to see new characters as well. A plot that changes with the actions you take would be cool too.

About game length, I just read this: "Length in video games is extremely overrated. Do we praise novels for being 800 pages long instead of 350 pages?". Not sure if the analogy works though, only for games where the plot is a central point.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2010, 11:06:32 am »

If I am not wrong, Jakub Dvorsky said at some presentation that they do not plan anything like
Machinarium 2. However, he mentioned they already have some ideas for a future project.

Apart from this, Jakub Dvorsky is now working (making muppets I think) with a famous czech director
Jan Sverak on an animated movie . The movie should be available this year.
Sandy Trunks
captain robot
Posts: 54

« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2010, 05:49:57 pm »

Jakub Dvorsky is now working (making muppets I think) with a famous czech director
Jan Sverak on an animated movie . The movie should be available this year.

noble citizen robot
Posts: 20

« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2010, 07:22:19 pm »

I would absolutely LOVE a sequel! Cheesy

The world of Machinarium is so full of possibilities and I want to see more of it!

It's a big city so there has got to be room for more and probably it's not the only city there is.

I'd like having control of both of the robots in the sequel for example.
That could make for some great puzzels if they helped each other more. One in one place and one in the other.

Anyway I'm hoping to see a sequel some day. It would be a must-buy for me! Cheesy
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