You could go to the bank and get a student credit card, which is only good for the amount of cash you deposit into the account, and usually only up to $300. If you are old enough to buy something you are ld enough to start learning about maintaining good credit.
Or you can transfer the funds to a friend's paypal account that does have a credit card linked to it so he can gift you Machinarium.
Yer, in australia you can get a keycard, that lets you take money out at atm's and pay at shops that take efpos, but you can not use them online. I am under 18, and you have to be over 18 to get a cc here in australia.
It's kinda stupid to be offering paypal just to do cc, as the only benefit you get is yor ur money back after 45 days if you never get your game... And the bank does this kind of stuff anyways. (Although paypal is much easier to do)
I was just annoyed because instant bank transfer and paypal ballance still ensure direct instant money to company. I guess i have to try convince one of my over 18 friends to buy me the game, but as you can see it's not ideal at all, and could be to much effort for others who will just end up torrenting the game, that is very unfortunate, as i am sure we would all love to see a Machinarium 2.