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Author Topic: Official Mamba Games Retail Machinarium Thread  (Read 485503 times)
little robot
Posts: 6

« Reply #165 on: April 19, 2010, 08:39:38 pm »

Hi all,

I have just bought the Collectors edition from GAME in the UK for PC and I have only got MAC files too. I see a lot of  messages on getting a replacement disc but can't see any address to get it sorted, Can anyone tell me how to go about getting my disc swapped. Cheers.
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #166 on: April 19, 2010, 09:32:14 pm »

I have just bought the Collectors edition from GAME in the UK for PC and I have only got MAC files too. I see a lot of  messages on getting a replacement disc but can't see any address to get it sorted, Can anyone tell me how to go about getting my disc swapped. Cheers.

The info you want is buried within this thread.  Here's the direct link: http://machinarium.net/forum/index.php/topic,806.msg4798.html#msg4798
Write to either of the email addresses given and explain your situation.  Mamba will send you a replacement disk.

little robot
Posts: 6

« Reply #167 on: April 19, 2010, 10:04:06 pm »

Many thanks. Smiley
citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 17

« Reply #168 on: April 20, 2010, 08:00:12 am »

7 days ago I received a mail from Mamba that finally my package has been shipped. It arrived today but in a worse condition:

It was shipped in a simple envelope and not a safe bubble wrapped package. After opening the package I realized that the box has been badly damaged in one corner (the whole corner is missing):

I could live with that but unfortunately the poster and and art book were damaged too. Again a whole edge is missing and when I unfold the poster it looks like a silhouette - 10x10mm holes all over the poster.  Angry

Is it possible to get a replacement for the damaged poster? As I said I can live with the damaged box and the DVD is fine. I don't want a second box. But I can't use the poster with all these holes so I'm asking if it's possible to ship me a single new poster/artbook?

yes not a good way to post out a dvd - I live in Australia and received slight damage but I will not be buying from mamba games again if this is how they post parcels over seas - so take NOTE Mamba.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 11:38:27 am by Ian » Logged

Spread the Word NOT the Game
noble citizen robot
Posts: 36

« Reply #169 on: April 20, 2010, 01:49:23 pm »

I am never buying from Mamba ever again since I still have not received my copy nor even a defective copy, and I was charged for this pre-release way back in December, nor have I received any confirmation that it has been sent (I emailed you on three separate occasions, PV, and you never once confirmed that you even got those emails). You have exhausted my patience and would like a refund. 
citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 15

« Reply #170 on: April 20, 2010, 03:01:51 pm »

Those of you who have received your replacements, did you get an email back from Mamba after you told them your details? I sent them a message at the weekend, didn't expect to get anything until the working week started but it's now most of the way through Tuesday and I haven't heard anything.
space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #171 on: April 20, 2010, 07:39:47 pm »

Anyone else in the U.S. (or not) have any idea how long it should take?  Assuming my copy was sent on April 6 it has been 10 days, may not need to worry about it until over two weeks, but thought it see what others' experiences have been.
Same here, in Italy Smiley I Will wait

Mine has just arrived Smiley
Exactly 2 weeks from the "shipped" status change.

Just 2 notes/advices for Mamba guys:

  • Please, use bubble envelopes.
    Good thing the box inside the paper envelope (!) was cellophane wrapped: it suffered really minor damage (only about 3mm of the outer cardboard cover corner worn out) that I can easily live with. Nevertheless it's a COLLECTOR'S edition, so let's say I would have picked another one from a shelf Wink .

  • Please, pay attention to the specified delivery address.
    You shipped to billing address instead (!), and there's noone home during the day.
    Luckily, this time the postman let my DVD on the mail boxes instead of trying to stuff it inside, and no one stole it.

noble citizen robot
Posts: 21

« Reply #172 on: April 21, 2010, 02:31:09 pm »

Those of you who have received your replacements, did you get an email back from Mamba after you told them your details? I sent them a message at the weekend, didn't expect to get anything until the working week started but it's now most of the way through Tuesday and I haven't heard anything.

PV sent me a PM through this forum on April 14th and asked me for my postal address to send me my missing copy. I sent him an answer immedietelly, but without reply, so I even don't know if he already read it or not.
citizen robot
Posts: 14

« Reply #173 on: April 23, 2010, 08:27:19 am »

Hi Presda!

I have received it thank you! I wanted to also inform everyone :

1) I am merley a producer, I am not logistics, account, admin, marketing
2) I am really trying as best I can to email everyone but time permits, if you dont hear from me right away it is because I have other jobs, customers, products to work with but I will get around to you!
3) I did this line of thread because I wanted you guys to have a direct route to us, rather than going through customer service - I have done it myself with other companies and its not a pleasant experience as we all know!
4) I was informed yesterday some more stock is delivered on 27th April so more stock will ship on this date

Guys - I am really, really trying all I can to answer you and I have tried to keep everyone of you informed, I want to let you know this is nothing to do with our bosses, board - this is just me trying to play Mr Customer Services Wink

Have a great weekend and Ill be in touch Monday!

PV !!!!
noble citizen robot
Posts: 21

« Reply #174 on: April 26, 2010, 08:03:08 am »

little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #175 on: April 26, 2010, 09:05:27 pm »

Hello All,

On Saturday last I bought this quite promising game called Machinarium only to find, guess what, that it wouldn't install on my PC (not MAC). A couple of clicks on the web brought me to this site (which I've trawled through) and I have already emailed Signor Petro Vanezzia with a new game request. For the record I bought the game from a high street chain in the U.K. and now I wait in trepidation. The opinions on this forum appear mixed but broadly in favour of Mamba's version of events and efforts to rectify the problem. This game had better live up to expectations or a chunk of their new/existing fan base will drift away to pastures new.
noble citizen robot
Posts: 21

« Reply #176 on: April 26, 2010, 09:25:14 pm »

Today, my second Machinarium finally arrived. The envelope was ripped, but the game fortunatelly survived without any damage. So at last - thank you PV.
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #177 on: April 27, 2010, 08:19:14 am »

This game had better live up to expectations or a chunk of their new/existing fan base will drift away to pastures new.

Have you played the demo?  If so then you know what to expect.   Grin

For the record, the duplication "issues" that Mamba had with their English Collector's Edition version of Machinarium had *nothing* whatsoever to do with Amanita Design or Mamba.  It's the duplication house that Mamba used that is to blame. (reference)

(BTW, newdrone, since you've already emailed PV you can be certain that he'll see to it that you are sent a replacement disk)

little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #178 on: April 28, 2010, 02:48:28 am »

Okay, im confused as hell.
I Emailed machinarium@mamba-games.com on saturday 24th but i havnt had a reply. The weekend i can forgive but its been 2 days now without a word. Maybe this is isnt a long time, i dont know. Ive never had to deal with a problem like this before.
I appreciate that PV ha other work to be doing but.. well i dont know how to finish this sentence without sounding like an asshole. Its just annoying, yaknow?

Am i emailing the right person?
Global Moderator

Posts: leet

« Reply #179 on: April 28, 2010, 05:27:41 am »

I appreciate that PV ha other work to be doing but.. well i dont know how to finish this sentence without sounding like an asshole. Its just annoying, yaknow?
It is annoying, yes.

Am i emailing the right person?
Yes, you're e-mailing the right person at the right e-mail address.
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