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Author Topic: Official Mamba Games Retail Machinarium Thread  (Read 485651 times)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #90 on: March 24, 2010, 03:21:08 pm »

I have the same problem - cannot install from DVD onto PC. Have sent an email but no reply, nor even an acknowledgement. Not good.

I ordered mine through Amazon. Anybody know how best to get a replacement? Wait for a reply to my email? Contact Amazon? Or what?
space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #91 on: March 24, 2010, 07:43:06 pm »

I have the same problem - cannot install from DVD onto PC. Have sent an email but no reply, nor even an acknowledgement. Not good.

I ordered mine through Amazon. Anybody know how best to get a replacement? Wait for a reply to my email? Contact Amazon? Or what?

Did you wrote to Mamba?
please contact Mamba through this email: machinarium@mamba-games.com
or here: http://www.mamba-games.co.uk/contact-us-i-7.html
you can also write to their forum http://www.mamba-games.co.uk/forum/

I suggest you to wait for their reply and keep an eye on this thread Smiley .
John Connor
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #92 on: March 24, 2010, 09:42:45 pm »

OK, slow as I am, I get it.

First time round, it was advertised as Mac-compatible and it wasn't. Now it is, but the UK Collectors edition isn't PC-compatible, which is tough on me as I have both that edition and a PC.

So, what can be done to fix it? I'm happy to swap my disc for that of a frustrated Mac user, but would prefer the producers get me a replacement.
little robot
Posts: 7

« Reply #93 on: March 25, 2010, 01:25:46 pm »

At least you received your game. I preordered (and payed) my copy through the mamba-games.com site on 19.February - thats 5 weeks ago - and still haven't received anything.
And now I can no longer reach their website  http://www.mamba-games.co.uk or the forum. I always get the error that the page can't be found. Money gone, no game received, no info mail and I can no longer reach the website. If I didn't know it better I would call it a scam.  Angry
citizen robot
Posts: 14

« Reply #94 on: March 25, 2010, 02:52:46 pm »

Hi All, PV here!

In response to : countjabberwock : All the stock will start to be sent out from Monday onwards - the new stock with both versions will be ready tomorrow, so logistics will start to process all of the renew stock.

Our server at the moment has a ESD server been worked on so the site goes up and down for testing reasons, thats all.

little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« Reply #95 on: March 25, 2010, 10:24:04 pm »

Are you aware of the typos on the back of the case? They seem to reside mainly in the system requirements section. For example, 'Oporating system' should be 'Operating system', and after mentioning Linux it encourages the reader to 'try thr deno first' rather than 'try the demo first'

'Windows' should also be capitalised
I feel like I'm being a bit picky, but things like this do lower the perceived quality of an otherwise very professional package, which I am otherwise proud to own. Although, come to think of it, I think you should consider re-wording the demo recommendation entirely, it seems a little... rude, perhaps?
« Last Edit: March 25, 2010, 10:27:09 pm by Quasar » Logged
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #96 on: March 27, 2010, 03:49:45 pm »


i imported the Retail Collectors version from a eBay seller to Germany.
After i realized that it is not working on my wifes mac, i found this thread
and read that we have to write mamba an e-mail with the copy of
the receipt and so on...

I made a screenshot of my PayPal-Transaction and a screenshot of
the eBay "Bought" page with the listed transaction.

Till now i didnt get an answer or something in this direction
if i will get a new Mac CD....?

Its really annoying... Undecided
space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #97 on: March 27, 2010, 04:12:14 pm »

Im pretty sure they will send you the mac version CD.
Just be patient as this time they really need to be sure about what they are doing Tongue
little robot
Posts: 3

« Reply #98 on: March 27, 2010, 07:00:09 pm »

hehe yeah, they need to be careful this time.
i think now you will be able to play the game
on both OSs but the game will have no sound XD
no just kidding, i am sure everything will be fine^^
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #99 on: March 27, 2010, 07:03:48 pm »

i imported the Retail Collectors version from a eBay seller to Germany....
I made a screenshot of my PayPal-Transaction and a screenshot of
the eBay "Bought" page with the listed transaction.

Till now i didnt get an answer or something in this direction
if i will get a new Mac CD....?

Its really annoying... Undecided

Hi KrazyKraut.  I've seen many many of those eBAY listings for the Machinarium Collector's Edition and dreaded the possibility that all those that were being offered were from that first crop of "missing MAC-" or "missing PC-" versions.  And, unfortunately it turns out that they were!   Sad

In my opinion (for whatever it's worth) Mamba should send you - and anyone else that obtained one of the flawed releases - a fully functional replacement disk, since (even though it wasn't directly their fault) the buck should stop with them.

However, they could decide to make the argument that since you did not buy directly from Mamba but from a reselling auctioneer of the product they therefore have no responsibility to correct the problem.

This could be the reason you still haven't heard back from them - namely, because they're still making up their minds as to how they will proceed concerning complaints such as yours.  Keep in mind that, as I've said (and shown), there have been many many such auctions on eBAY going on now ever since *before* the official (albeit flawed) Mamba release.  So Mamba is looking at one hell of a huge cost to their bottom line if they decide to honor buyers such as yourself.

Again, personally I think they should.  But, ultimately, I'm just some whacky bloke that moderates this forum out of respect for what Amanita Design has accomplished... they probably won't care what I think.   Roll Eyes

In any case, good luck K.K.!  I hope things work out for you.  Please keep us updated.  And, if Mamba won't come through, maybe we can find someone that got the MAC version but wanted the PC version and you two can trade?  (for example: look at John Conner's post!)

Im pretty sure they will send you the mac version CD.
Just be patient as this time they really need to be sure about what they are doing Tongue

I hope you're right jst65!

« Last Edit: March 27, 2010, 07:18:43 pm by ABoretz » Logged
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #100 on: March 27, 2010, 09:16:04 pm »

Well, I never received confirmation from Mamba even though I bought directly from them so... maybe they just don't like people. Outside of Jason and Petro, maybe they are also introverts.  Tongue
citizen robot
Posts: 8

« Reply #101 on: March 28, 2010, 06:57:30 pm »

In light of a Global Recsession companies shouldnt be carrying on like this. I should have recieved my Copy at least a week after my purchase ! Soon it will be Easter Bank Holiday period.

I dont expect anything till late April if at all ! Looks like a Scam to me !

citizen robot
Posts: 14

« Reply #102 on: March 29, 2010, 09:36:19 am »

Hey guys,

Stock is leaving over the course of the next days now so you will receiving shortly. There is no order, its as quick as our logistics can can get each and every one out.

Also in regards to Ebay purchases - we will also swap these so please send address over and we will issue you a new copy.

RE: Scam - Its a little short sighted to think its a "scam" in fact for a company that ships closer to 1m units of product last year I dont think this classifies as been a scam. We have apologized for the stock not arriving sooner but as mentioned there were issues with the discs, so I have kept you all informed of the situation and we are getting through this as quickly and effectivley as possible.

space invader
Posts: 142

« Reply #103 on: March 29, 2010, 02:47:55 pm »

Thankyou PV
Actually I would like this thread to be informative and not a 1-poster complains collector.

In any case I don't mind spending a couple of extra euros to buy from Mamba instead of some retailer if it feeds Amanita pockets a little more Smiley
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #104 on: March 29, 2010, 06:42:12 pm »

...I don't mind spending a couple of extra euros to buy from Mamba instead of some retailer if it feeds Amanita pockets a little more Smiley

I second that sentiment!  In fact, for the convenience of anyone following this thread that held off ordering until all the kinks were worked out, here's the link to Mamba's Machinarium Collectors Edition.    Grin

And thank you Petro for keeping us informed while all of you at Mamba worked to correct all the production errors that have occurred and, thanks also, for taking the high road and offering to swap eBAY auction purchasers' disks as well.  THAT is what I call "supporting your products and honoring your customers"!

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