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Author Topic: Pre-Ordered . . . Still Expecting Email Link . . .  (Read 59394 times)
citizen robot
Posts: 9

« Reply #15 on: October 16, 2009, 05:26:22 pm »

I've preordered the game too, and I've NOT received the e-mail yet, but I agree TOTALLY with Rhialto: be patient guys!...

I really don't unterstand yours "anger" behaviour...for me is not a problem to wait for one day or more...

Something must be lost in translation here.  ""anger" behaviour"?  No one is mad here . . . not yet.  People are concerned because they payed their money and are having to wait, while others are getting the game immediately, without forking out their money early.  It's about fairness.  And right now, this release is not fair.  All I am asking for is:

#1. My game.
#2. An apology for the wait.
#3. A grievance package if the wait continues.

If I had #1 I would not need the other two.

If any of those things seem like ""anger" behaviour" to you then I feel you and I have a difference of opinion.  I am not angry . . . not yet.  I just want to play the game I payed for in advance.  What is so wrong with that?  And why should I wait any longer?  If you want to wait then fine.  That doesn't change the fact of the matter that you and I are both being done an injustice.


Well said Smiley
Barada Nels
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #16 on: October 16, 2009, 05:49:04 pm »

So guess what . . . I GOT MY EMAIL!!!  Oh happy day! I open the email!  JOY JOY JOY!  I click on the link!  HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!  403 Forbidden . . . You have got to be kidding me.

Why in gods name am I getting a forbidden code?  I disabled my firewall and other defenses I have. You guys can see my real IP . . . uh what gives?  It is not timing out . . . I am forbidden . . . I want some answers ASAP!

Someone needs to get on the forum and explain this FUBAR situation to their customers.

citizen robot
Posts: 9

« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2009, 05:51:51 pm »

I still don't Sad

Im just going to just torrent it when i get home...  I've paid for it already so i don't see how there is any harm.

Plus i will probably get better d/l speeds by the sound of it   Roll Eyes
Barada Nels
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2009, 05:58:40 pm »

I still don't Sad

Im just going to just torrent it when i get home...  I've paid for it already so i don't see how there is any harm.

Plus i will probably get better d/l speeds by the sound of it   Roll Eyes

I am sure other customers will be following suit, if they do not get answers and fixes.  This release was worse than Halo 2 where I waited in line for 8 hours between what seemed like a pedophile and a hermaphrodite . . .
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2009, 06:15:35 pm »

Since an admin has decided to post: any word on a possibility of a (decent) timeline?

Sorry, Barada, I'm not an admin - just one of the mods.  The only admin here is JD himself and he's probably running around with his hair on fire at this very moment; trying to get all the pre-order download emails sent.

But I'd like to remind you - and everyone else that's feeling frustrated - what it literally means that Aminita Design is an "Indie" developer: there are only seven (7) people on the Amanita Design Team - most of whom are not even qualified nor involved in the actual emailing of pre-order download links.  (I think the only two that are probably on that are JD and David Oliva, the programmer... and maybe Captain Hook ;-).  Please take that into account as you await further news. 

And - just my opinion - maybe it would help lower your blood pressure if you stopped thinking of yourselves as "frustrated customers" and more like "anxious supporters"?    Wink Grin
You are *going* to get your download links!  JD is not - never was - nor is likely to ever become - someone that takes his fans and supporters for granted.

Barada Nels
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2009, 06:29:14 pm »

Since an admin has decided to post: any word on a possibility of a (decent) timeline?

Sorry, Barada, I'm not an admin - just one of the mods.  The only admin here is JD himself and he's probably running around with his hair on fire at this very moment; trying to get all the pre-order download emails sent.

But I'd like to remind you - and everyone else that's feeling frustrated - what it literally means that Aminita Design is an "Indie" developer: there are only seven (7) people on the Amanita Design Team - most of whom are not even qualified nor involved in the actual emailing of pre-order download links.  (I think the only two that are probably on that are JD and David Oliva, the programmer... and maybe Captain Hook ;-).  Please take that into account as you await further news. 

And - just my opinion - maybe it would help lower your blood pressure if you stopped thinking of yourselves as "frustrated customers" and more like "anxious supporters"?    Wink Grin
You are *going* to get your download links!  JD is not - never was - nor is likely to ever become - someone that takes his fans and supporters for granted.


I have been looking forward to this game for too long, is all.  I already have my email links but getting 403 Forbidden errors.  I emailed the support team or by your knowledge the support guy.  I will get the game one way or another.  I personally feel the Indie market is the final hope of hassle-free entertainment for this industry.  Oh well, once it gets bad all over I can always get a new hobby.  Maybe become a board game fanatic . . . or possibly a sport.  It is football season, after all.


Barada Nels
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2009, 07:03:13 pm »

This is the first time ever i buy a game.This is for various reasons: i like it, there is poetry and art in it, and it is made by a small team that seems to really deserve some support.

I dont mind at all about thechnical problems, after all it IS a small company and it is only a game.
If i cant play today i will tomorrow, and if others can get it faster good for them.
I am sure the team is doing their best.If it is not perfect it will be better next time...

BTW the burger analogy is wrong, allowing new customers to buy directly the game doesnt mean
mean they are taking anything from you. Unless what you need is just VIP consideration... Grin
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 07:09:52 pm by Fred » Logged
little robot
Posts: 2

« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2009, 07:03:43 pm »

Having the same problem now. It's taken me about 3 hours to download 35% of the game and the download has now just cut off. I've just tried to start the download link again and it's now saying forbidden.  Huh

This is the first time I've ever got a game via download and it's just about put me off for life I think. What's going on ??
noble citizen robot
Posts: 32

« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2009, 07:10:19 pm »

Guys, getting the E-Mail Link right now doesnt achieve much. Ive got it this morning, and still havent managed to grab even the Windows Client. Will try again this night.
little robot
Posts: 4

« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2009, 07:12:23 pm »

To admins :
Posting in this forum is a real pain :writing don*t or can*t is impossible with the right sign  Tongue
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 07:17:14 pm by Fred » Logged
god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2009, 07:17:57 pm »

To admins :
Posting in this forum is a real pain :writing a "

You seem to have run into one of the known Forum glitches.  Please read that topic for an explanation and help.

god of all robots
Gender: Male
Posts: 666

« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2009, 07:49:58 pm »

writing don*t or can*t is impossible with the right sign  Tongue

I'd like to check on something here, Fred.  Are you first typing your post in another program - like WORD or some other wordprocessor, and *then* copy/pasting into the forum or are you just typing directly in the "Post reply" space?

'Cause, if you're using some other program to type your text (or copying from another website that might have been typed that way) it's introducing special character codes for apostrophes and that is what's causing the glitches.  See for yourself, other people have been able to write "don't" and "can't" without having to use "*"s...   Wink

citizen robot
Gender: Male
Posts: 17

« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2009, 12:48:56 pm »

Have some understanding and patience you are getting ANGRY at the wrong people here even if the Game was released before 16th the same thing would have happened - Don't get ANGRY at Amanita Design get ANGRY at the LOW LIFE SCUM BAG who pre ordered the game and decided to post his/hers links on a forum for 100's or more LOW LIFE SCUM BAGS to steal the game and Overload Amanita servers - think for a minute how Amanita Design feels after 3 years of Brilliant work is RAPED in a Matter of Hours  Angry

Spread the Word NOT the Game
noble citizen robot
Posts: 28

« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2009, 01:49:45 pm »

I've sent an email to "support@amanitadesign.com" to explain my situation.
I can wait for the game, I'm not an excited kid without patience (am I sure?  Grin) and I give u guys all my support.
It's not important if u don't reply to my e-mail, just send me the download link...that is enough.
Amanita has done a great job with Machinarium and this success was not expected, i reckon.
You have to just keep informed the community

Thank you Smiley

EDIT: I've got now the link, the download speed is good (90 Kb/s), thank you guys.
I think they are working hard to fix this problem. See u later for first impressions Smiley
« Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 02:23:45 pm by Bio » Logged
Barada Nels
citizen robot
Posts: 11

« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2009, 02:46:18 pm »

I dont mind at all about thechnical problems, after all it IS a small company and it is only a game.
If i cant play today i will tomorrow, and if others can get it faster good for them.
I am sure the team is doing their best.If it is not perfect it will be better next time...

BTW the burger analogy is wrong, allowing new customers to buy directly the game doesnt mean
mean they are taking anything from you. Unless what you need is just VIP consideration... Grin
I now FINALLY have the game.  Which does me absolutely no good since I work for the next 4 days.  That is why I was expecting it on Friday.  Not everyone does the Mon-Fri shifts and I travel for my job.  So I will play it in about a week or so.  That is why I made such a fuss.

And my "BURGER ANALOGY" is correct.  I already payed and others were getting the game while I had to wait.  Pre-Orders = VIP consideration.  That is why people pre-order games.  Extra weapons, extra in-game money, EXTRA Hi-Res Images & Music!!!  Bottom line is YOUR WRONG!  But, I would not expect you to understand this: since this is your first time ever you buy a game.  A couple hundred blunders like this while you try to get a game your excited over will take it's toll on you.  Trust me.

I really do not care if it is a small company or not.  They made a great game and should have had the forethought to make the release smooth.  Remember this Amanita!  For Machinarium 2 get your release down to a science or I for one will not return.

Have some understanding and patience you are getting ANGRY at the wrong people here even if the Game was released before 16th the same thing would have happened - Don't get ANGRY at Amanita Design get ANGRY at the LOW LIFE SCUM BAG who pre ordered the game and decided to post his/hers links on a forum for 100's or more LOW LIFE SCUM BAGS to steal the game and Overload Amanita servers - think for a minute how Amanita Design feels after 3 years of Brilliant work is RAPED in a Matter of Hours  Angry

First off . . . your the ONLY one that I can see that has shown ANY signs of anger on this thread . . . well I take that back Angry 12PT Brown Font Caps Text guy seemed a little perturbed.  But, he got his game and was fine.

Second . . . piracy is real and it happens.  Why get angry over it?  You cannot and will not stop it.  Although if pirates were using my badwidth to slow my game down I am mad.  REAL MAD.  MAD BECAUSE AMANITA DID NOTHING TO PREPARE FOR THIS!  Just joking I am not mad.  But seriously Amanita dropped the ball on this.  I do not pity them.  No IP restricted connections to their servers, no copy protection, and no consideration for their paying customers.  It is their OWN FAULT!

Third . . . you people need to read this thread for what it is.  No one is mad nor have they said they are mad.  We now have our games.  Amanita screwed us with their lack of preperation for this release.  BOTTOM LINE!  Anyone that says anything else is . . . well . . . an idiot!

Fourth . . . CLOSE THIS THREAD!  It is done and over with.  We have our games.  Although I wont be able to play for a week, but that is on me.   I may take it on the laptop and play 5 minutes here and there.  I hate doing that.  But oh well.  Such is life.


Barada Nels

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