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September 20, 2024, 01:33:35 pm

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Author Topic: Videa ' Videos  (Read 7237 times)
little rusty robot

Posts: 1

« on: August 16, 2013, 01:06:31 am »

Mám dotaz, pokud by jsem chtěl natáčet videa z Vašich her, jak získám práva ke svojí tvorbě kde budu pracovat s (hrát) Vašemi produkty (hrami)?

One little question, if I would make videos of Your games, how can I get rights to my own creation in which I will work with (play) Your products (games)?
Global Moderator
mayor robot
Posts: 665

« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 02:58:44 am »

There have been many many many videos made by people playing Amanita Design games that have been posted on The Web.  Just search YouTube for "Amanita Design + Let's play" and you will find them!

As for your question about having exclusive rights to a video of you playing an Amanita game I think you had better write to support and ask Amanita directly.  (I will say this, if you want to make money from your videos I think your answer from them will be, "No".)  ~Alex

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